Next-generation software ensures your central plant earns its keep

Your central plant is likely the biggest contributor to occupant comfort, the biggest supplier of energy—and the biggest consumer of energy. Keep it running at optimum efficiency with the next generation of plant optimization software from Johnson Controls. We build on our innovative OpenBlue digital platform to connect systems and data for intelligent, automated decision-making. See rapid ROI, drive down costs, increase reliability and advance your sustainability goals.

Infographic depicting  Central Utility Plant (CUP) solution

Continuous optimization

Our Openblue Enterprise Manager Central Utility Plant Optimization (CUPO) solution monitors thousands of variables, gathering data every 15 minutes from your connected equipment and from external sources such as weather forecasts and utility rates. CUP automatically generates and implements optimization decisions, controlling many brands of equipment and plant types. You make the most of utility incentives and minimize utility costs.


Download the brochure today to use real-time autonomous control to make your plant more reliable and sustainable


How OpenBlue Enterprise Manager central utility plant optimization works

Revolutionize heating, cooling, and electricity generation for your company, campus or city. See how you can benefit from predictive cost optimization with Central Utility Plant.

New Plant Simulator release streamlines project creation

Use OpenBlue Plant Simulator to simulate hourly utility use and costs over a year. Run “what-if” scenarios to develop budgets, understand future capacity limitations, and explore myriad opportunities to reduce costs and increase sustainability. See product details, then register to try it yourself.

Access Plant Simulator

Eight excellent reasons to start with your central utility plant

The mechanical heart of your building or facility is critical to comfort, efficiency and sustainability. Keep it healthy with OpenBlue digital tools—and reap the rewards.

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Man in safety gear using a tablet and a cellphone, overlaid with a graphic of transmission nodes
Two Johnson Controls technicians using a tablet, overlaid with a graphic of transmission nodes

Move your plant to the pinnacle of performance in 7 steps

Optimizing your central utility plant delivers the high-efficiency performance and sustainability today’s consulting engineers and building owners require. Use the seven steps in this whitepaper as a guide to assess where your system is today, determine what’s missing, and clarify next steps.

Get the whitepaper

Derwent London chooses Johnson Controls as sustainability partner

As one of the UK’s largest real estate developers, Derwent London set out to make a sustainability statement with its White Collar Factory in the heart of London’s Tech City. Our OpenBlue solutions—including Central Utility Plant—help create a remarkable tenant experience and unify key building systems to meet ambitious net zero goals.

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Exterior of a high-rise building
Exterior of Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children in Birmingham

Children’s of Alabama saves capital with CUPO

With two separately metered central plants, this pediatric hospital found it challenging to minimize utility costs. CUP technology maintains essential redundancy while increasing efficiency and savings.

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Stanford University CUP builds on innovative design

Heat recovery chillers and thermal energy storage are key to increasing savings while supporting net-zero greenhouse gas emission targets.

Arched sign of Kent State University

OpenBlue Enterprise Manager CUPO creates grid-interactive efficient buildings at Kent State University

Economic load demand response (ELDR) revenue is projected to double with CUP. This new approach to optimization drives revenue as part of an energy savings performance contract (ESPC).

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Learn more about Openblue Enterprise Manager Central Utility Plant Opimiziation from Johnson Controls

See how your central plant can automatically adjust to prepare for the future.
Learn how to optimize building performance after commissioning using data analytics.
Product bulletin
Get more details on features & benefits, technical approach, system architecture and more.
Technical literature
Explore the catalog page, installation guide, user guide and more.
Training videos
Find training videos on OpenBlue Central Utility Plant applications.
Data privacy sheet: Plant simulator
See what personal data is collected by OpenBlue Plant Simulator and how it’s processed.
Data privacy sheet: Plant optimizer
See what personal data is collected by OpenBlue Plant Optimizer and how it’s processed.

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