Water Spray Systems

Our engineered water spray system protects critical facilities of petrochemical, oil and gas facilities, such as tank farms, fuel handling pumps, process units, compressors, transformers, and storage facilities.

Johnson Controls is pioneer in engineering and skid building for decades for various fire protection applications including water spray systems packages that can be placed inside a cabinet (carbon steel, stainless steel, and GRP) with or without passive fire protection ratings. All these are built in our Middle East facilities following stringent quality control and safety procedures.

With our extensive experience in this field, our experts design the systems as per end user, customers, and consultant requirements following International Codes / Standards using Approved Engineering Software / 3D Modeling to give realistic end product approach, which helps the customer on optimized solution.

Upon successful completion of each product or package, will pass through Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) / (IFAT) attended by end user, customers, consultants, and third party inspectors and confirms to meets all the project specification requirements. Once our system pass all required tests, it will be shipped to its final destination and installed by Johnson Controls or Others (as per contracts).

For those, who couldn’t travel, we offer remote Factory Acceptance Test.

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