Reliable Fire Protection Solutions

Johnson Controls offers various fire protection solutions such as Gas Suppression Systems, Water Spray Systems, Foam Systems, Fire Fighting Equipment, Safety Equipment for critical Petrochemical, Oil and Gas Facilities. We have set the benchmark for the fire industry throughout the region. We provide our customers with adapted engineering solutions for project specific requirement.  With our In-house engineering, procurement, fabrication, panel build facilities, installation, commissioning, service, and maintenance. We have carried out complex projects from greenfield to brownfield projects.  Our Company as Zero Harm focuses on health, safety and environment and has extensive experience. We also received various awards and recognition from customers, contractors, and end Users for our successful contribution on various projects.


Close-up image of a pressure gauge installed in a gas supression system

Gas Suppression Systems

We bring state of art environment friendly gas suppression systems to the market to protect critical hazards of petrochemical, oil and gas facilities.

Water spray system

Water Spray Systems

Our engineered water spray system protects critical facilities of petrochemical, oil and gas facilities, such as tank farms, fuel handling pumps, process units, compressors, transformers, and storage facilities.

Two technicians inspecting the exterior of an oil tank

Foam Systems

Our engineered water spray system protects critical facilities of petrochemical, oil and gas facilities, such as tank farms, fuel handling pumps, generators, truck loading/unloading, warehouse, and LNG handling facilities.

Low-angle view of refrigeration pipes installed at an outdoor space

Fire Fighting and Safety Equipment

We offer numerous fire fighting solutions to protect the critical facilities plant facilities.

Controls Panel Installation

Skid and Panel Build Solutions

With high level of Standards and Procedures, dedicated teams of skilled personnel are assigned at our Middle East facilities.

Close-up image of a fire sprinkler knob

Other Associated Solutions

Other Key Offerings include Dry Chemical System, Twin Agent Package, Deck Integrated Fire Fighting System (DIFF), Compressed Air Foam (CAF) System.

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