HVAC Equipment
  • JohnsonControls
  • YORK
  • Luxaire
  • Champion
  • Quantech
  • Coleman
  • Ruskin
  • Source1 HVACSupply
  • Envirotec
  • Koch Filter
  • Titus
  • TempMaster
  • Penn Barry
  • Triatek
  • Krueger
  • Tyco American Dynamics
  • Tyco Bentel
  • Tyco CEM Systems
  • Tyco DSC
  • Tyco Exacq
  • Tyco Illustra
  • Tyco Kantech
  • Tyco Software House
  • ADT
Digital Solutions
  • JohnsonControls
Industrial Refrigeration
  • YORK
  • Frick
  • Sabroe
Fire Suppression
  • Tyco
  • Chemguard
  • SKUM
  • Rapid Response
  • Sabo Foam
  • Hygood
  • Grinnell
  • SprinkCAD
  • Pyro-chem
  • AquaMist
Retail Solutions
  • Sensormatic
  • ShopperTrak
  • TrueVUE
Residential and Smart Home
  • JohnsonControls
  • LUX
Building Automation & Controls
  • JohnsonControls
  • Metasys
  • PENN
  • Facility Explorer
  • Verasys
Fire Detection
  • Autocall
  • FireClass
  • Simplex
  • Vigilant
  • Zettler
  • DBE
Distributed Energy Storage
  • JohnsonControls

Global Directory

HVAC Equipment
  • JohnsonControls
  • YORK
  • Luxaire
  • Champion
  • Quantech
  • Coleman
  • Ruskin
  • Source1 HVACSupply
  • Envirotec
  • Koch Filter
  • Titus
  • TempMaster
  • Penn Barry
  • Triatek
  • Krueger
  • Tyco American Dynamics
  • Tyco Bentel
  • Tyco CEM Systems
  • Tyco DSC
  • Tyco Exacq
  • Tyco Illustra
  • Tyco Kantech
  • Tyco Software House
  • ADT
Digital Solutions
  • JohnsonControls
Industrial Refrigeration
  • YORK
  • Frick
  • Sabroe
Fire Suppression
  • Tyco
  • Chemguard
  • SKUM
  • Rapid Response
  • Sabo Foam
  • Hygood
  • Grinnell
  • SprinkCAD
  • Pyro-chem
  • AquaMist
Retail Solutions
  • Sensormatic
  • ShopperTrak
  • TrueVUE
Residential and Smart Home
  • JohnsonControls
  • LUX
Building Automation & Controls
  • JohnsonControls
  • Metasys
  • PENN
  • Facility Explorer
  • Verasys
Fire Detection
  • Autocall
  • FireClass
  • Simplex
  • Vigilant
  • Zettler
  • DBE
Distributed Energy Storage
  • JohnsonControls

Global Directory


Reporting and Policies

Our Sustainability Reporting and Policies

Johnson Controls is proud of our sustainability efforts and we have publicly reported sustainability data since 2002. Learn more by checking out the following reports and policies:

Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report

Since 2003, we have reported sustainability data in accordance with the GRI guidelines. We do what we say we will do and are transparent about where we can improve.

Our sustainability reports are prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards. We are also a SASB Reporter, utilizing the SASB Standard for the Resource Transformation Sector – Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the reports.

  • View the 2022 report The report includes our bold environmental, social and governance commitments, progress toward our sustainability goals, and the opportunity we have to work with our customers to build a low-carbon economy for healthy people, healthy places and a healthy planet.
CDP Climate Change Disclosure

We disclose our climate-related financial risks consistent with guidance from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures in the CDP Climate Change disclosure. In 2022, the Company updated our climate-related risk and opportunity scenario analysis consistent with TCFD guidance, and we use that analysis to identify the most critical climate-related risks and opportunities and to develop management strategies for mitigating risks and capitalizing on opportunities. We integrated climate-related risks into our formal Enterprise Risk Management process to ensure the use of a consistent risk framework across the enterprise and to create accountability and visibility up to and including the board.

TCFD Disclosure

We follow TCFD’s recommendations for disclosing clear, comparable and consistent information about the risks and opportunities presented by climate change in accordance with the TCFD framework.

Non-Financial Disclosures

We promote economic, social and environmental practices that benefit our customers, employees, shareholders and communities. This annual report highlights our performance and achievements in these areas.

United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress
Since Johnson Controls first signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2004, we have remained committed to aligning our operations and strategies with the Compact's Ten Principles, which are universally accepted and cover human rights, labor, health and safety, the environment and anti-corruption. As part of Johnson Controls’ commitment to support the Compact’s Ten Principles, we publish an annual Communication on Progress Report as well as meet each of the 21 criterion required to achieve “Advanced Level” status.


Conflict Minerals

Conflict Minerals Policy

This policy defines the responsible sourcing of conflict minerals throughout our supply chain. Download Policy.

Conflict Minerals Report

This report demonstrates our commitment to sourcing conflict minerals responsibly and complying with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules and regulations surrounding conflict minerals.  

Download Conflict Minerals report

Human Rights

Human Rights and Sustainability Policy

This policy is guided by the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles and helps ensure we maintain strong relationships with customers, employees, suppliers, stakeholders and communities. Download policy.

Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and Statement

This policy and statement make explicit our commitment to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chain. Download policy. Download statement.

Health and Safety

Global Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) Policy

This policy identifies the key operating principles that define our expectations, actions and behaviors of all Johnson Controls employees in conducting business that is protective of health, safety and the environment. Download policy.

Climate Change

Position and Policy on Energy and Climate Change

Our position and commitments on energy and climate change guides us on how to reduce our carbon footprint both internally and within our supply chain. Download policyDownload position.

Political Contributions

Political Contributions Policy

This policy guides our political contributions and activities to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state laws and go beyond compliance to implement leading practices in accountability and transparency. Download policy.

Political Contributions

We participate in the public policy process in various ways including corporate government affairs activities designed to educate policymakers on key issues related to our business, political giving through the Johnson Controls Political Action Committee (“PAC”), and limited direct corporate political contributions. To promote transparency, we make this information publicly available here on our website and through various government filings, as required by law. The complete list of our corporate political contributions and trade associations and other tax-exempt organizations to which we contribute $25,000 or more to annually can be found here:

2023 Corporate Political Contributions and Federal Lobbying Report (mid-year)
2022 Corporate Political Contributions and Federal Lobbying Report
2021 Corporate Political Contributions and Federal Lobbying Report

In addition to volunteer and charitable activities, we promote participation in the public policy and electoral process in the United States including encouraging our employees to vote. Eligible employees may also make a voluntary contribution to the Johnson Controls Political Action Committee (PAC). More information on the Johnson Controls Political Action Committee’s expenditures is available at www.fec.gov.

Facility Siting Statement

Johnson Controls is committed to delivering smart, healthy and sustainable buildings. As part of our efforts to deliver products and solutions that fulfill this commitment, Johnson Controls reviews facility siting to fully understand the climate, land-use change, biodiversity, and nature implications associated with development. To that end, Johnson Controls prioritizes retrofit opportunities and minimizes greenfield development opportunities whenever possible. Site selection management begins with optimizing current locations to mitigate greenfield development to the greatest extent practicable.

Johnson Controls follows a three-point plan to minimize the impact of development and ensure that development mitigates emissions and impact on nature, in priority order:

  1. Find development opportunities that retrofit and transform existing floorspace.
  2. Find development opportunities that add floorspace to existing sites.
  3. Find development opportunities that add floorspace to new sites best suited to minimizing the emissions and nature impacts of that development.